

Although water is one of the basic necessities in life, there is a general problem of water availability and quality in the rural areas of The Gambia. In the case of Sintet, the only proximate source of water is shallow wells next to dirty swamps and when it rains all the water in the village runs down to the traditional shallow wells. These water sources dry up during every dry season and clean water is a major problem for the inhabitants. However, with this the only source of water, they drink it and use it for washing, cooking, bathing and for their animals.

HI has provided the people of Sintet with a borehole to enable them to access clean, safe drinking water. This borehole will be used for different purposes in the village, and neighboring institutions to save people, especially children and women, from long distance travel on foot to fetch water especially during the dry season. This water supply will effectively reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases and moreover enable the community to have access to clean water, leaving children to go to school and receive an education. HI has also provided Nyarika Sonko Islamic School in Sintet, with water.