


St Augustine Boys' Senior Secondary School is the oldest Catholic high school in The Gambia and one of the most famous schools in the country. The school is located in the capital of the Gambia: Banjul. St Augustine Boys School has been existence since 1921 and currently has 1500 pupils. The school has been in very serious financial problems and requires restorations and renovations. The School's toilet facilities were in a condition that was simply unfit for human use so HI, in collaboration with the school's Alumni Association in the USA, financed the rehabilitation of the school toilet facilities through a local contractor.

St. John Boscoe School, another school owned by the Catholic mission in The Gambia, serves Sintet and its neighboring villages and the first building of the school was constructed in 1955 by Catholic missionaries. It started to fall apart due to a lack of adequate maintenance over the years. This school has educated many prominent Gambians (including HI's Chairman) whom have and continue to serve at the highest levels of the Gambian Government as well as in international organization and businesses. HI financed the complete reconstruction of the building which is now being used by the pupils, benefitting its 800 pupils.