For the fourth consecutive year, the Gambia Students' Association in Morocco (GASAM) has organized summer mathematics classes for the benefit of its newest members who completed the French Language studies and were waiting to commence their various courses in the kingdom. The classes took place from the 1st of August to the 6th of September. The aim was to teach, familiarize and strengthen their understanding of one of the most challenging courses at the university level in Morocco. The classes were again sponsored by Heeno International.
According to Ebrima Banda, President of GASAM , "Generally, the mathematics classes were a success. A good number of the students were very serious with it and have greatly benefited from it. They have now started their various courses in different towns of the kingdom."
The mathematics classes have started from Monday 1ST August 2016 to Tuesday 6th of September. Four days per week; Mondays through Thursdays for a 2h: 30 mins per class. Several topics done at the university level were treated through the period by a lecturer who has already successfully passed through the system. Who has a deep understanding of both Gambian and Moroccan systems, the similarities and the differences and gave them an insight of what they have not seen yet.